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Local Circular Recycling

Circular Textile Waste Framework

A "circular economy" is an alternative to the traditional linear production model, which is "based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation describes a circular textiles system as one that is:

“…restorative and regenerative by design and provides benefits for business, society, and environment. A system in which clothes, fabrics, and fibers are kept at their highest value during use, and re-enter the economy after use, never-ending up as waste.”

HCD designed a Local circular framework for a Specifc pushkar region in India.

Circular Textile recycling framework for MSEs. Source: HCD (Humanity centred designs)

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 Local circular recycling framework in Pushkar, Rajasthan India

"Five stages of prototyping and material developement."
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1. Waste collection

Collected unsorted, mixed, and colored Pre-consumer textile waste, majorly consisting of knitted fabrics such as lycra, bamboo, hosiery, and cotton. The waste collected was unsorted and mixed with every color of waste textiles


2. Shredding

After the collection of textile waste, the next stage was shredding at a local shredding unit to convert it into fiber form.

3. Fiber Cleaning

As the shredded fiber was mixed with impurities and tinny textile waste particles, It was necessary to clean it. It is cleaned through air pressure in a machine without the utilization of water. It resulted into a cleaned fiber.


4. Yarn 


The cleaned fiber was then taken to a nearby yarn factory, where the HCD did experiments with the operation manager of the factory to turn the recycled fiber into yarn through a patent process.

5. Handloom


The recycled yarn is weaved by a Rajasthan handloom weaver in the craft clusters. It resulted in a new material textile developement which can be used for fashion production,


Local Circular waste management System: Conclusion of circular recycling framework. Source: HCD (Humanity centred designs)

HCD Research Conclusion

The material prototyping phase concluded the functioning of a local circular recycling framework is thriving. It established the waste management system that textile waste from local MSEs could be recycled into new textile material for circular fashion production within the specific area under 50 miles.

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